Posted by: nancykenny | January 3, 2010

2009 And We’re Feeling Fine

It’s so very easy to get stuck and lose perspective, especially in those doubt-filled moments where you think your life isn’t going anywhere. It’s therefore important for me to look back every once in a while and take stock of all the things I’ve accomplished and have going for me. What better time than the new year to do just that? So without further ado, here’s a look back at 2009 (most of which you can review by going through my blog archives):

I rang in the New Year in a new city, with new people. This was a sign of things to come because 2009 was definitely a year of travel (oddly enough, while looking up my old blog for past resolutions, I predicted 2008 would be the year of travel, which it definitely wasn’t). All in all, I’ve spent time in London (ON), Kitchener-Waterloo, Montreal, Toronto & the GTA, Red Deer, Calgary, Winnipeg, Bathurst & the Acadian Peninsula, and Moncton. I also experienced my first overseas trip when I got to go to Beijing.

I am thrilled to note that most of this traveling was also for artistic/work purposes; either auditions, research or because I wrote something that was being staged in that city.

Speaking of writing, I wrote 3 plays in 2009, all of which have been produced, including one which I toured myself to Winnipeg after an enjoyable experience at the Ottawa Fringe Festival. Critically and financially my tour was a bust, but I learned so much from the experience and one day I will do it again. Also, after a great mentorship program through the GCTC on grant writing, both I and Evolution Theatre landed grants from the City of Ottawa (for me it was to write a show, for Evolution it was pool (no water)).

I took an incredible number of workshops related to acting in topics ranging from scene study to stage combat to physical theatre to clown work. I also completed a Certificate in Conventions and Meeting Management from Algonquin College. What I will do with it, I’m not quite sure, but I do know that I love learning and I am grateful for all the opportunities I had this past year.

2009 was also the first time I dedicated myself fully to being a professional artist and managed to do so without having a day job. In addition, I had an amazing opportunity to work with a theatre company and a director I had wanted to work with for a long time now.

Oh and at the 11th hour, my sister got married and announced that I would soon be an auntie!

It wasn’t all sunshine and lollipops though. My grandma and a good friend passed away, I got my heart broken multiple times by the same person, people I trusted to always be there for me let me down in a big way, I struggled financially and creatively, but overall, I learned so much from everything that happened. It sounds corny, but I really feel like a different person from the one who began things in January 2009.

This past year was simply incredible. I am really looking forward to what’s in store for me in 2010. Stay tuned for some of my upcoming New Year’s Resolutions!


  1. […] This post was Twitted by nancykenny […]

  2. It is important to take a moment to have some reflective time on occassion to appreciate your accomplishments.

    Perhaps your leap of faith and going full time as a professional artist is something that helped.

    Finally with respect to the bumpy road. One thing I always like to say when reflecting is “if it was too easy anyone could do it.

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